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r2000 series Banding

#1 jrival9178667 3 years ago

Printed same image on multiple surfaces When printing on white coated dibond the image is banding Profile provided for metal substrates doesnt allow you to increase the number of passes Checked and verified Alignment-checked under carriage for any debre Printed same image on paper and banding doesnt occur. Head height for the metal sheet can not be lowered anymore without striking Any suggestions would be great!

#2 jwright350 3 years ago

#1 Its because normal ACM uses polyester paint which doesn't work well with latex inks. In most cases 12pass mode will be required to smooth out banding. MultiPanel UK now makes a latex grade ACM stock.

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#3 HP Daniela Ciolompea 3 years ago

Hi @jrival9178667, First I recommend using the Dibond profile from the media locator (the certificated profile). This could be enough to solve the issue. However, if the problem persists, you can try next to do Check and Clean, and if this is not solving the issue do a Hard Recover. After the Hard Recover print a nozzle check and see if any nozzle keeps missing. If all these do not solve the issue, I suggest contacting your support representative.

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