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CEDIM students use HP Latex printers to excel in design programs

Success Story
HP Daniela Ciolompea 10th of September 2017

CEDIM is a university in Mexico that focuses on design programs. The design process used at CEDIM is based on a methodology called design thinking. Having specialized tools for the prototype and testing phase is important and offers the student the power to be able to create a real product. Students use the HP Latex 330 Printer to improve workflow, making prototypes of designs, and develop prints of the patterns for the final product. 

"I think that being able to see the immediate results of what we are producing on the HP Latex 330 Printer is somewhat contagious. Being able to see the process brought to life encourages us to develop more and more ideas. The main advantage of working with HP Latex 330 Printers and inks is that the drying time is instantaneous. Working with the HP Latex 330 Printer, which is toxin-free, is a perfect match given that CEDIM wants to work with sustainable projects that support the environment and we, as designers, we are like the leaders within this field." - Estef Orozco, Jr. Learning Sponsor, Fashion Design & Business degree, CEDIM

"Our vision as an academic institution is the same as HP. It is about the processes of innovation and the part of the democratization of the technology as part of the third industrial revolution in which practically any person can do anything." - David Duran, Director of Architecture & Interiors, CEDIM

Use the HP Latex 300 Series Discussions in case you have any questions about your printer.

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