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HP Latex 2700W brings a unique look to John Mark wallpaper

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HP Latex 2700W brings a unique look to John Mark wallpaper

PowerPoint Presentation Edinburgh-based designer Mairi Helena and leading digitally printed wallpaper manufacturer John Mark linked up to produce a bespoke wallpaper featuring a host of special effects, all of which were printed using an HP Latex 2700W Printer.

After creating a design with several layers, Mairi approached John Mark to see how they could bring the patterns to life. John Mark recently installed a new HP Latex 2700W Printer which has white ink capability and, working with Mairi, was able to use the machine to achieve the desired effects.

PowerPoint Presentation John Mark is a long-term supporter of HP Latex technology and, to date, has an HP Latex 570, an HP Latex 800W, five HP Latex 1500, and two HP Latex 2700 printers. In July 2022, the company was also the first UK business to install the new HP Latex 2700W printer, officially launched at the end of 2022.

“The addition of the HP Latex 2700W has significantly increased our white ink capabilities, which in turn has opened all manner of new layers and finishes that we can add to our already expansive range of wallpapers. “We have been blown away by the results we are getting and have been showing those to designers who have been impressed by the outcome, helping to inspire them to come up with new designs”, said John Mark Watson, Managing Director of John Mark.

“The ability of the HP Latex 2700W and its white ink to help parts of the design stand out and almost come to life was just incredible,” Mairi Helena added. “The shimmering effect was special as never before have we been able to create such a design. “I was really keen to try out something new with this design and thanks to John Mark and its new HP Latex 2700W, we were able to achieve something quite special that offers a whole new option to the end customer.”

Source: LFR News

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