Racing ahead in vehicle wrapping with HP Latex technology
Success Story
Vehicle wrapping has emerged as one of the stand-out growth areas of recent times, with those in the market taking full advantage of the increasing demand for this sort of work.
Demand has increased partly due to a spike in interest from private customers, with more clients approaching print service providers with ideas of how to wrap and decorate their vehicles.
HP recently hosted a dedicated webinar on this exact subject, exploring the ways printers and wrappers can grow their business. The session looks at growth within the wrapping sector in recent years, including some of the most important trends those in the market need to be aware of, and takes a closer look at some of the technology from HP that can help them along their way.
There is insight into how to build and grow a successful wrapping business from Justin Pate, the Chief Executive Officer of US-based The Wrap Institute. Having started out working as a freelance wrapper in New York in the mid-1990s, specializing in wrapping tour buses for hip-hop stars, Justin has evolved his business over the years to the point where it now employs a team of staff working on all manner of projects for high-end clients such as global music megastar Rihanna.
To view the ‘Become a Master of Wrapping with HP Latex’ webinar in full, please click here to access the session for free.
Source: LFR News