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HP Latex 315 and 335 Print and Cut Training

12th of June 2017

Get free access to the new HP Latex Print and Cut training, the best online tool to learn about your HP Latex printer, HP Latex cutter and HP FlexiPRINT and CUT software. The tool goes thru the main features of this unique solution, describes the print AND cut workflow, provides knowledge related to troubleshooting and maintenance, and helps you to grow your business with new applications.

And as it is online, it is always up to date!

What you will learn:

Once you finish the training and all quizzes are passed, you will receive an HP Latex operator certification, which will indicate that you have the necessary knowledge to start using your HP Latex Print and Cut Solution.

To access the HP Latex Print and Cut Training, you will need to sign in at Learn with HP. Then, click the link below that will redirect you to the training in the region selected:

U9KD4AAE- English: HP Latex Print and Cut Training

U9KD4AAE- Español: HP Latex Print and Cut Training

U9KD4AAE-French: HP Latex Print and Cut Training

U9KD4AAE- German: HP Latex Print and Cut Training

U9KD4AAE-Italian: HP Latex Print and Cut Training

U9KD4AAE-Japanese: HP Latex Print and Cut Training

U9KD4AAE-Portuguese: HP Latex Print and Cut Training

U9KD4AAE-Russian: HP Latex Print and Cut Training

U9KD4AAE-Korean: HP Latex Print and Cut Training

U9KD4AAE-Chinese: HP Latex Print and Cut Training

U9KD4AAE-Taiwanese HP Latex Print and Cut Training

Once you click, you will be redirected to HP Graphics Training solution services.

If you already have an HP Passport account, sign in and click on the “Register Now” button. Scroll down to accept the HP Graphics Training Solution Services terms and conditions, and continue. You will receive an email notification with your registration information and you can start enjoying the training. If you do not have an HP Passport account, please fill out the information requested and then follow the steps above.

If any error occurred while loading the training course, it may be a browser security issue. Add the website of the training course to your browser’s list of trusted sites. If you are not sure how to do this, consult your browser’s online help system.

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