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SAi Flexi HP Edition Software learning plan

SAi Flexi HP Edition Software learning plan

HP Learn is the educational platform within PrintOS. It contains everything you will need to learn about your printer in one convenient hub, including:

  • Easy-to-digest lessons focused on a wide variety of topics from applications to color management.
  • Training modules and videos specific to your printer.
  • HP certifications in various skills can be obtained by following the available Learning plans.
  • Important: To access some of the courses and videos in the HP PrintOS Learn, you must have the printer for which the course was developed installed in your PrintOS account.

Flexi offers the simplest workflow for print, cut, or print and cut applications. With Flexi, you will have all the vector design tools necessary for creating professional posters daily at your fingertips. If you want to improve your productivity by using intuitive visualization and design tools, such as bitmap vectorization, outline creation, shadows, text creation, and printing with white ink, the following set of videos will help you to become an experienced user.

Join the global trend of online learning at your convenience anytime, anywhere.

Click on the links below and start becoming an experienced user.

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