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Change in HP Premium Poster

HP Latex 300 Series

#1 agBoston 7 years ago

Recieved a new roll of HP priumim Poster Paper Looks like they have changed product. Same Product number but paper is more yellow other rolls have been more blue-white. Has anyone seen this or know about the change.

#2 agBoston 7 years ago

N3T49A Z239370001

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#3 Graphikal 7 years ago

We noticed the same thing. The surface also seems to have more of a satin coating, and it doesn't appear quite as opaque as the previous iteration. This media was "out of stock" for a while, so we figured this had something to do with it, but our LexJet rep said he checked with HP and it was exactly the same. Thanks for the new media profile - my guys will be happy to know they were right.

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