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Quality issues with Latex360

#1 OAI_LFM 9 years ago

I'm not sure if this is the material reacting w/ the Latex inks, but I am using Herculite 13oz 2s banner material on my Latex 360 and I am having alot of quality issues....see image - always in the blue.... I have recalibrated just this morning. This image is printed at 8pass_CMYKcm_300dpi Any suggestions?

#2 OAI_LFM 9 years ago

Update: I dropped the temp to 210 and it has help a ton!

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#3 HP-MarcM 9 years ago

Hi, To me, it looks like a plasticizer problem. The plasticizer is a chemical component added to the PVC-based media to make it flexible. Sometimes, this plasticizer migrates to the printed surface and interferes with the Latex film formation (specially if the media has been stored for long time.). In order to eliminate the plasticizer from the surface of the media, I will recommend you to wash out the media before printing with some isopropyl alcohol. Printing with higher temperature or higher number of passes can be helpful too, but you've said that dropping the temperature you've get better results which is rare for me. If ou want to be sure if its a plasticizer problem or not, you can try to wash out some of the media and check if you get better results in it.

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#4 PG1 9 years ago

I have also seen this, and agree about the fact it is plasticizer. Though it is often not just down to either storage or age. The other consideration is where the material is originating from, if it is the far east, then at certain times of the year the product is 'spoiled' due to excessive heat in the containers when it is being shipped. As you suggest wiping the product will often resolve the issue Just using a soft lint free cloth will often be enough, we have also heard of people putting the material through their printer and basically not printing anything, but using the curing heat to resolve the issue, not tried it, so cannot comment on this.

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#5 alanrogger007 5 years ago

If you are facing problem while printing then you can check the cables and drivers. The quality issue might be due to the properties of the cartridges so change that.

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#6 alanrogger007 5 years ago

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#7 alanrogger007 5 years ago

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