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255 Color Calibration Patch No Longer Working After Update To NEXUS_01_17_01.7

#1 apcguam 3 years ago

I never update the firmware for the HP 370 only because based on experience there is always something thats gonna happen. And it did. I'm trying to do a 255 patch color calibration. But when it gets to the end the print head just goes to the capping station and just bounces non stop on the right wall. There is 2 lines of black swatches left to print then it just stops, goes to the capping station, then just hangs there while bumping the right side. It moves to the left like its trying to wipe then it goes right, make a small bump then left again. Over and over again. Is there any way to downgrade the firmware to a previous version?

#2 HP Daniela Ciolompea 3 years ago

Hi @apcguam, Looking at your comments, it seems you are facing an issue printing the ICC pattern (see the picture attached). Please follow the next steps in order to print the pattern properly: clone the media again perform the CLC calibration perform the ICC calibration If this does not fix the issue, I suggest contacting your support representative. On the other hand, we hate tested and are able to print the ICC pattern from the printer and printing it from the Onyx RIP, so we discard any issue related to the new FW release. If you still want to downgrade to the previous FW version, drop me an email at to provide you the file. Once you have that, you can install it via USB or EWS. To do it via the EWS, you will find the steps in the User Guide.

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#3 apcguam 3 years ago

Actually I'm doing a color calibration from Onyx. It prints 255 shades of each color of CMYK. I haven't done the icc profile yet. I am still on Onyx version 12. And yes I would like to downgrade the firmware. I will be in touch. Thank you. #2

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