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315 Substrate Library

HP Latex 315 Printer

#1 allenthennes148 5 years ago

I just installed a new HP315 printer, The support folks told me to search for my current print profiles via the internet on the HP315. What I am finding is 95% of the profiles I used in the past are not found in the online search. Does this mean I need to retest all my media with a unknown profile to see if it works or am I missing something. I am real busy and this is causing a big slow down in my work flow. Thanks, Allen

#2 HP-ColorGuy 5 years ago

There are two methods to search for and locate OMS (Open Media System) files (aka profiles) for your printer: 1) Substrate Library from the printer front panel 2) Media Locator via a browser on an internet connected PC or Mac computer Training video on the use of the media locator: It sounds like your reseller showed you the first option, but perhaps not the second. In your browser of choice, navigate to: Once there, select HP Latex from the printer families. Next, click or tap the blue filter icon, and choose the search filter you'd like to use - manufacturer, application, media type etc. There are over 1,000 different media products with media presets/ profiles available for your specific printer model. Once you ID the media, you pull down the OMS file to the computer, save it, and then push it to the printer through the EWS (Embedded Web Server) - this is a browse-based interface to send to and receive information from the printer.

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