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Can we print only using CMYK as my lc-lm printhead is having issues.

#1 Astalapla 4 years ago

Hi, I'm having issues with my lc-lm printhead right now and am waiting to receive a new one from HP. In the meantime, is there a way I can print some stuff using only 4 colors? I'm trying to print on a HP Latex 115 on 3M IJ180c ... I can't seem to find a a preset/media/profile to only use those colors. Even if I choose the CMYK option in my rip, it seems to always want to print with all 6 colors and it's creating banding. I'm using FlexiPRINT Basic Edition. I would appreciate any help! JF

#2 HP-ColorGuy 4 years ago

Yes, you can create a new Print Mode that disables light inks (and uses only CMYK inks). Clone the existing media (provide a new name for the new media), and in the desired print mode: Substrate Library > Modify > Advanced Settings > slide to CMYK > Save

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#3 Astalapla 4 years ago

I did that and for some reason, it is still using the light printheads and creating banding... I can see it in the light shades and light blues (my lc head is the one that is defective). My other heads were tested and are working properly.

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#4 HP-ColorGuy 4 years ago

You created a new print mode at the front panel of the printer that uses CMYK only? This is not performed in the RIP.

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#5 Astalapla 4 years ago

I originally tried in the Rip, but then tried on the printer itself after you mentioned it. For some reason, again, the choice between CMYK and CMYKcm is not available (see attachment) ... it is stuck at CMYKcm. I'm trying to print on self-adhesive (3M IJ180c). In the RIP, I get to choose between the two, but it doesn't seem to change the output where the banding because of the bad light cyan printhead is still happening.

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#6 HP Daniela Ciolompea 4 years ago

Hi @Astalapla, If you want to print in 4 colors the new color configuration has to create on the printer first. Go to the front panel. Create a new print mode with the configuration CMYK. The printer will synchronize with the Rip and the new configuration should be available to choose it.

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