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Color Banding Issue

#1 bhanke11039 2 years ago

Wonder if anyone has experience with this issue. Print starts off fine then progressively gets worse, lines blurred around edges and background bands and gets darker see attached about 1/4 of the way through. We duplicated profile, did new calibration prior to printing this. Thanks for any help.

#2 HP Daniela Ciolompea 2 years ago

Hi @bhanke11039, Can you please advise which printer you are using, to best identify potential solutions? Thanks!

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#3 bhanke11039 2 years ago

HP Latex 360 did drop detection test and very few nozzles out. The OP print head has about 3000 ml fired through it. This occurred only after doing a firmware update.

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#4 bhanke11039 2 years ago

Could be PIP in light cyan? Got that 25.3:10 error earlier in the week, not showing up now however.

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#5 HP Daniela Ciolompea 2 years ago

Hi @bhanke11039. I will investigate with the team and come back with some suggestions.

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#6 bhanke11039 2 years ago

Thanks Daniela, just got the 98:03 error. Potential print quality problem, check print heads.....

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#7 HP Daniela Ciolompea 2 years ago

Hi @bhanke11039, For the 25.3:10 error, I suggest taking these actions: Remove the light cyan ink cartridge and reinstall it into the printer. Replace the light cyan ink cartridge. If it doesn't work, I suggest calling a service engineer to check the PIP connection or replace it.

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