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Color difference between panels on new 360

HP Latex 360 Printer

#1 OAI_LFM 9 years ago

Hey everyone, I have had my 360 for about 2 weeks today, and I have a banding issue. Yesterday my operator printed a 2 panel print on SAV - 3m IJ180, and today we noticed that they forgot the overlap. So we opened it back up in Job editor today and resent 1 panel with the same settings. When comparing each of the panels, there is an obvious color difference and there is horizontal banding. The only difference between yesterday and today was the yellow ink cartridge was changed out. Has anyone else seen this? Thanks Jackie

#2 HP-MarcM 9 years ago

Hi OAI_LFM, After talking with some of the experts about your problems, we conclude that the best option for you is to contact the support team (thru your reseller). Vertical banding issues are really complex and they will be able to help better than us.

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