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Color permanence on fabric

#1 karles.selles5382 6 years ago

Hello, I need to know if there is any document about the durability of the colours printed with latex ink on fabric. A customer ask us if we have information about resistance of colours in the blue wool scale.

#2 HP-ALFONSO_SANCHEZ 6 years ago

Hello, The HP Latex inks* have been tested on both Polyester fabric and PVC screen window blinds under the ISO-105 B02 norm (aka Blue Wool). The results in all cases has reached level 7 (out of 8), which means very good resistance to UV light. Which application is this requested for? *note: the tests include the HP Latex 3000, 1500 , 500 , 300 and 110 series

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#3 karles.selles5382 6 years ago

#2 said Hello, The HP Latex inks* have been tested on both Polyester fabric and PVC screen window blinds under the ISO-105 B02 norm (aka Blue Wool). The results in all cases has reached level 7 (out of 8), which means very good resistance to UV light. Which application is this requested for? *note: the tests include the HP Latex 3000, 1500 , 500 , 300 and 110 series Mixed fabric used for roller blinds. The composition is usually 70% polyester with 30% PVC coating. We print it as if it were pvc fabric.

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#4 karles.selles5382 6 years ago

Where could I locate a document where these results are included? It would be a great help to inform our clients. Thank you very much for the reply.

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#5 HP-ALFONSO_SANCHEZ 6 years ago

You are welcome All information about Window Blinds (including Lightfastness) is detailed in this article: Please let us know if it is useful or you need other kind of reports.

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#6 akash_arts5571 6 years ago

hello , sir pls tell us for which material used for curtain printing

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#7 akash_arts5571 6 years ago

hello , sir pls tell us for which material used for curtain printing on latex 335

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