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Error Codes

#1 emma.lesuer6936 5 years ago

Hello! This afternoon I had the error code 11.05.01:04 pop. I had to call HP because the code was not in the manual and I had never seen it before. Turns out it was the OP PH not communicating with the printer. Ended up being a super easy fix (yay!). However, it got me thinking - there are not a lot of error codes listed in the 1500 manual. I was hoping to reach out to everyone in here to gather as many as the error codes as I can. This way, I can fix the problem myself (hopefully) without having to waste so much time waiting for a tech to call me back. Anyone have an codes written down that they are willing to share???

#2 HP Daniela Ciolompea 5 years ago

Hi @emma.lesuer6936, There are diferent levels of assistance to solve a system error. Usually if the solution for a system error needs to touch any internal part, open a cover or disconnect any cable or PCA this system error is at "Service Level" and is not appearing at User Guide. There are exceptions to this for parts very easy to replace. HP offers specialized service courses for customers to be able to solve Service System errors on their own.

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