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Finished jobs shown as numbers in printos app and not as job names!

#1 jimidero8948 3 years ago

After upgrading to latest firmware on latex 360 the jobs shown as numbers and not with their names as used to in printos app. For example instead of job name shows 13392. This number increases by one number after printing next job, so probably is some internal number of the printer. For example next job will be 13393. Anyone else noticed this?

#2 jimidero8948 3 years ago

Any help?

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#3 HP Daniela Ciolompea 3 years ago

Hi @jimidero8948, You need to enable a specific setting on the printer: "EWS -> Setup -> Security -> Show username in accounting" This should make job names visible. Make sure the option is enabled, otherwise you will get only numbers.

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#4 jimidero8948 3 years ago

#3 Daniela thanks. Its was disabled. For some reason after the last upgrade.

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