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Fotolia Images for Wallpaper

#1 Jrad 9 years ago

Hey, I'm new here and just setting up a new, prodominatley custom wallpaper business to add to an existing company. Most of the Fotolia pics that I'm trying to test out as wallpapers have pixel warnings. How do I find the right size images within Wallart to use without getting the question mark pixel waring? Thanks

#2 HP-MarcM 9 years ago

Hi Jard, Welcome to the community! HP WallArt requires background images to be at least 1000 pixels in width and height and a file size of 500 MB or less. The following file formats are accepted: PNG, JPG , TIFF and PDF. The image quality warning message is caused by the scale of the picture used as background exceeding the default threshold of 150 dpi. When you use an image as a background, it is scaled to fit the whole wall. If the wall size is bigger, then the image will be enlarged. The scaling function in HP WallArt does not apply any pixel interpolation. In other words, when the image is enlarged, its dpi are decreased. Any image that goes below the 150 dpi threshold will result in a warning message. Clicking on the warning sign will provide additional information such as recommended size for that scale ratio, as well as the recommended viewing distance for the wall design. On the other hand, there could be other instances in which some images may print correctly using a lower resolution than 150 dpi, such as image type/composition or viewing distance, so this is why the warning message is just a notification. It doesn’t prevent the project from being placed and printed, and you could ignore it if you believe the printed output will be acceptable.Within the WallArt Designer settings, you could modify the warning threshold warning: You can find more additional information by clicking on the warning icon. You can also disable the warning notification directly in the WallArt options, within the “Customization” tab, which will be applied to all projects: If you want to avoid the image being pixelated, you will need to find a way to increase the pixel count of the picture. Hope this helps

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