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Grainy Greys

HP Latex 500 Series

#1 DOAKsigns 6 years ago

So we've been having color quality issues with certain colors and i dont know what caused it and im wondering if this is a printhead health issue or not. we have a latex570 and if you look at the attached pictures, we are getting very grainy greys.

#2 HP-ayelenfernandez 6 years ago

Hi @DoakSigns, There could be a few different causes here, let me suggest you the following: -Check Print Heads a)From the settings menu -> Image quality maintenance > Clean printheads > Print test plot b)Check for missing horizontal lines, this indicates nozzles out. If there are lots they should perform a printhead clean from the previous menu. c)If after the cleaning there are still lots of nozzles out the replace the printhead. -Media profile a)Make sure to use the Media profile for the substrate being used is the correct one and is supported. You can find the profiles on the PrintOS website: b)If using a non supported media it may be required to adjust various parameters to get a good print quality. -Substrate conditions a)Make sure that the media is in optimal conditions. On some substrates a chemical reaction can occur due to age. b)Test by cleaning an area of the substrate with alcohol, if the image quality improves the media may have expired, try a different roll. Please, let me know if that helps, Warm regards.

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