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Heat Transfer Media for Latex 360

HP Latex 360 Printer

#1 Abstract_Edge 9 years ago

Can anyone suggest any heat transfer media for latex? Some medias are available but in India we are not able to procure them. Looking for some other options. Abstract Edge | Hp Latex 360 | India

#2 HP-MarcM 9 years ago

Hi Abstract_Edge We have test one media film from a company called Chemica that works fine and it is certified on the Latex 360. If you are not able to get this media back in India, I suggest to download the Media Printer Profile from the HP Media Solution Locator and star to work from there, in terms of transfer time and temperature. I hope this answer helps.

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#3 TG-Frank 9 years ago

We have tested several Solvent Heat Transfer Medias, and everything of them have worked fine. I suggest to our customers not using to much heat.

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#4 miemajid 8 years ago

Ive tested 2 heat transfer media and both works fine on latex 360. The output produce is far better than the ones printed on the roland. Material used are magicut and polyflex by politape

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