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How to print DOuble Sided Banners on the 700 W?

#1 bjorn.b5176 3 years ago

I looked through the manual today and there is no info on the double sided options or how to print double sided. On our HP 360 printers the option was available to set "Double Sided" during the media load. after that the process was pretty self explanatory. We have used HP 360 for years and now we have a new 700 W and Caldera even shows the options for Side A and or B options but the manual of the 700 W does not.

#2 HP Daniela Ciolompea 3 years ago

Ho @bjorn.b5176, Unfortunately, the option you are looking for is not available for the 700W Printer.

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#3 bjorn.b5176 3 years ago

Will the double sided option be available in the future with 700W firmware updates? Why has it been discontinued?

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#4 HP Daniela Ciolompea 3 years ago

Hi @bjorn.b5176, There is no plan to introduce this option, as far as I am aware. I am sorry I can't provide more details on this.

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#5 pkeshtgani 3 years ago

I have done it already. Before you start mark a spot on your banner so you know where it begins printing. for example at the edge cutter. print side one, flip the rolling start printing the other side.

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#6 bjorn.b5176 3 years ago

Thank you @ #5 pkeshtgani this was very helpful. HP you should introduce this feature in firmware updates. It was very useful and removing technology like this on your newest roll machines isn't helpful to the historical users of your equipment.

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