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HP 360 SUBSTRATE JAM & missing ink cartridges

#1 JUSTIN8079 4 years ago

Hello- Yesterday my 360 had a substrate jam and after I removed the jam, 3 of the ink cartridges say they are missing. I have removed and reinserted the 3 through the the front panel. I also shut down the printer both with cartridges in as well as out and let it boot back up and still all 3 say they are missing. After doing that I did get an error 25.3.10 (LC ink sensor not working properly). I'm at total loss as to what it may be. Could the 1 PIP sensor cause the other 2 to the left to show missing as well? If anyone could shed some light on this for me I would appreciate it. I'm assuming the jam is related to the 3 cartridges showing missing? Thanks in advance!' Justin

#2 kelvin.ng5186 4 years ago

#1 Hi, while you insert that 3 ink cartridges did you feel it more loose compare with other color? if yes then that mind be the one of the ink supply station latches broken.

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#3 JUSTIN8079 4 years ago

#2 That is exactly what happened...Glued it with gorilla glue and back in business, Thanks

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