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hp latex 260 paper scratching

#1 barry.harris6111 5 years ago

looking for help on this... i have tried everything I know... almost every setting but no matter what i do i keep getting a scratching from print head when running poster paper and Neenah paper. i have tried different printers , I have 4 all the same model. it does it in all 4 , i have changed the pass to higher pass 10-20 and changed the vacuum to medium and to very high i can run this same sob on 100lb and have no issue at all

#2 barry.harris6111 5 years ago

#2 yes it is there on the list but it doesn't tell me any setting . is there another place or list that tell me what settings work best ? like vacuum or heat or curing or passes ?

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@geometry dash Try restarting the printer and submitting the job. Check that the PC internet signal is stable and check the same for the RIP connection with the printer. If the printer has a valid IP, it should work. The issue might be related to the connection between the PC, RIP and the printer. There were some issues recently, which should now be fixed. If you are still having the same error, I suggest contacting your support representative.

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#4 dericuzdan 2 years ago

If you cannot find it there, then you should contact your media provider with settings to print on your printer.

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#5 printertales 2 years ago

hp latex 260 paper scratching if you are facing any type of issue with the printer then feel free to contact us.

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