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HP Latex 365 errors, cannot run printer!

HP Latex 300 Series

#1 CachePrinterGuy7797 6 years ago

I have been getting the following errors when turning on the printer: 55:11 Line Sensor is out of Life. 21:13 Check maintenance cartridge path To be sure, I replaced the maintenance cartridge properly and checked with a flashlight for any bits of vinyl or other foreign bodies that might be obstructing. I see nothing but a clean and empty space with clean "rails". These errors are not only preventing me from printing, but they prevent me from even getting into any menus. So, my 3-month-old HP is useless at the moment. Please help!

#2 bex 6 years ago

Change the line sensor; had the same 55:11 code at a customer. The Problem was that the pins of his line sensor began to rust because of humidity.

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#3 CachePrinterGuy7797 6 years ago

Thanks I am under warranty, so I called HP and they have a tech coming out to replace the sensor.

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#4 morgan1 5 years ago

#1 I faced same kind of error and the lan of my hp printer was damaged too. So I decided to connect it with a router, but at that time of connecting, it wanted a WPS pin. I couldn't find the pin anywhere. Then I got the solution from after searching many websites and found WPS pin on hp printer. Now my all problems are solved.

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#5 morgan1 5 years ago

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#6 morgan1 5 years ago

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#7 morgan1 5 years ago

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#8 morgan1 5 years ago

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#9 morgan1 5 years ago

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#10 morgan1 5 years ago

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#11 morgan1 5 years ago

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#12 morgan1 5 years ago

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#13 morgan1 5 years ago

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#14 morgan1 5 years ago

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#15 morgan1 5 years ago

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