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HP Latex 370 Not Able To Go Online

#1 apcguam 3 years ago

The printer still communicates with the PC RIP ok. But out of the blue it no longer can go on the internet. I can still print, but if I need to look for another profile from the printer it no longer works. I checked the printer settings and everything checks out. The printer also tries to send an error code to HP when the printer is turned on but it fails to send because the printer cannot go on the internet. Any ideas?

#2 HP Daniela Ciolompea 3 years ago

Hi @apcguam, Please check the connectivity to the internet: Ensure you are using an IP static, instead of configured by DHCP, otherwise, every time you power on the printer (or wake up from sleep) the server can assign a different IP address. See image1 attached. Check also if you have set up properly the proxy server and make sure you are using port :8080 instead of :80. On our site, we are not using a proxy server, but I assume you might be using it, so please check with IT that this Server proxy is working properly. See image2 attached. Check web proxy configuration. See image3 attached. If after these recommendations the printer is not running properly please contact your support representative.

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#3 alievserega179675 3 years ago

#1 said HP Latex 370 Not Able To Go Online Troubleshooting guide and online help for your HP Latex 370 Printer. ... Support for your HP PCs and printers when you need it. mybpcreditcard

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