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hp570 bulk ink cartridge

HP Latex 570 Printer

#1 gngprint5228 6 years ago

if the printer says there is zero ink left in the bulk container but the intermediate tank is still ok is there anything to be done apart from installing a new cartridge ?

#2 HP-ayelenfernandez 6 years ago

#1 Hi @gngprint5228, My suggestion would be to contact your reseller for support. We do not have further actions to take from here. Please, let me know if he provides you some extra help, Warm regards

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#3 Jesiel Santos 6 years ago

#1 said My suggestion would be to contact your reseller for support. We do not have further actions to take from here. Please, let me know if he provides you some extra help, Warm regards It always happens. We came to the conclusion that air should be exchanged when exchanging bags. Always solve or restart the printer or giving a force recharge and I am massaging the bag inside the box while it automatically charges. If it does not resolve open call technician.

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