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Latex 3-liter Ink Upgrade Kit available for 335?

HP Latex 300 Series

#1 --- 8 years ago

Hi, we've been using a 310 printer for two years now and are about to upgrade to the 335. I just read about the kit refered to in the title and was wondering if it is still available and if it can be installed on the new 335.(attached pdf) Information about the kit says is for the 360 and 370 but since the 335 is a new machine maybe can have it. Would be very nice to have cheaper inks in today's competitive market. Thanks! Moe

#2 --- 8 years ago

Moe, Unfortunately the 335 does not offer 3-liter ink support, however there are other models that do have this feature. Feel free to give me a call at 941-906-3123 and I can help you find the best printer option for your production. Thanks!

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#3 TG-Frank 8 years ago

The 3 Liter Ink Upgrade Kit was available only for a short time, for the latex 360 only. Even if perhaps someone have one left on stock, it can't be mounted anymore: it needs an activation from HP, what will not be generated anymore as far as they told us. Depending on the market, you need to buy a 375 (not available e. g. in europe, not shure if available anymore) or a 570.

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