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Latex 300 series ink leakage HELP

#1 TrulineGraphicsLLC 4 years ago

My 315 Latex had an ink cartridge bladder pop and it leaked into the air lines. Looks like the ink went into most all of the PIPs and the air lines around the ink cartridge. Is there any online documentation on servicing these printers? HP wants $2k to do a service call and I really don't want to pay that for someone to clean some air lines. But if that's what it comes to I guess I'll have no choice but it seems like this could be a simple fix if someone had documentation but I'm not finding anything on this topic online. Any ideas?

#2 HP Daniela Ciolompea 4 years ago

Hi @TrulineGraphicsLLC, To solve this issue a support technician should check, clean, or replace some printer parts. My recommendation is to contact your support representative, as they have the proper knowledge to find out the root cause of the issue.

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