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Marketing materials

#1 store69456829 5 years ago

Does HP have any general marketing materials to promote the specialty printing to the public?

#2 HP-Sonia 5 years ago

Hello @store69456829 What do you have in mind? Can you be a bit more specific, so I can redirect to the appropriate people? Regards

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#3 store69456829 5 years ago

#2 Just images of equipment and finished print jobs that I can put on social media and print for in store display

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#4 amiladhishan412591 11 months ago

It's been a while but, the choice between PPC and SEO for online marketing is indeed a crucial one, and it depends on various factors, including your goals and budget. As you pointed out, PPC can yield faster results since it involves paid advertising on relevant keywords. On the other hand, SEO may take a few months to show results but can be highly effective in the long run, providing sustainable organic traffic.

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