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Marks exceed sheet size - HP Cutter

#1 Mohammed 3 years ago

Hi. I am getting the below error "Marks exceed sheet size" when loading a job for cutting. It reads the barcode and then gives the error message. However when i load the print job in reverse order then it scans and cuts fine. What could be the problem.

#2 HP Daniela Ciolompea 3 years ago

Hi @Mohammed, For this case, I suggest getting in touch with your support representative and provide them also the error message.

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#3 3 years ago

#1 I am having the same issue. I load the media and when it attempts to read the registration marks it says "Marks exceed sheet size. I have used this media and cut without problems in the past. I have tried increasing the margins and reprinting. I have tried moving the pinch rollers. I have tried extended load. Nothing seems to work and I now have 2 large printed and laminated medias that can't be cut. Does anyone have a solution? HP Basic Plus (summa) 54" cutter.

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