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New Printers / Ink with out the wax

HP Latex 365 Printer

#1 Drunknmonk 5 years ago

anyone know when either a new printer will be released or Inks so we don't have the wax in there inks ?

#2 Drunknmonk 5 years ago

No one know anything !

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#3 HP-PrintwithThom 5 years ago

Hi @Drunknmonk, I believe you're referring to the additive included as part of the HP Latex Gen 3 ink formula which significantly improves scratch durability of prints. The separation of the anti-scratch additive from the HP Latex ink already exists today in the HP Latex R-series systems. It's now a separate ink supply (and thus separate ink channel). The supply is the HP 872 or HP 882 "Overcoat". In the R-series this acts in the same manner to increase scratch durability, but as it is now separate it has an improved feature allowing the user to control the amount (or none at all) of Overcoat to match the need or display environment of the print. thanks, Thom

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