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#1 lou7213 5 years ago

Every time I turn on the Latex printer L28500 I get a paper jam error. with no paper loaded up. I go thru the screen menu to cancel the error and then I have to reboot and get again the error again. Once I cancel it tries to continue but I get the carriage banging into the right side of the printer with a loud racketting noise and then all hell breaks loose with alarm ringing etc . I restart the printer and the process continues with all the same results . I last 2 yrs this has been an interminata proble but now it is all of the time . I have had the head board replaced with the same results and no one at Tech help can fiquire out the problem. PLease help as I am stuck without a printer permanently now

#2 ivoslbg5445 5 years ago

#1 may be faulty Engine PCA is the main reason... Engine PCA This board is the main controller of the printer. It is responsible for all the processes performed in real-time and is the ultimate controller of all electromechanical systems. The Engine PCA controls all substrate path components (Drive Roller, Spindle Motors, OMAS, etc.) and all non-substrate path components (Carriage, Scan Axis Motor, Dryer and Curing Heaters, Print Head Cleaning Assembly, Service Station, etc)...may be tech support must check again everything in PCA boards..may be there is another faulty part or cable...

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#3 m.asnikovpasa09011 3 years ago


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#4 Garygarza1.979093 3 years ago

#2 Thanks for sharing such an amazing Blog.

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