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Setting Optimizer and Overcoat

#1 sales9617 3 years ago

Is there an tutorial on how to create profiles for new media for the HP R1000 / R2000. I want to duplicated a prior and change some values without having to repopulate all the information fields.

#2 HP Daniela Ciolompea 3 years ago

Hi @ales9617, Assuming you are talking about a Latex 700/800 series printer, there is a section on how to Clone a Substrate Preset in the User Guide on page 101, under the Generic presets chapter. I am attaching a screenshot, however, you can also access the documentation via LKC from the Printers section. I hope this helps.

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#3 sales9617 3 years ago

Thanks for the reply, it's actually for the R1000 unit.

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#4 konkesara9636 3 years ago

#1 said Setting Optimizer and Overcoat This line out performs all other levels by a distinct margin, setting these brakes at another tier of extreme braking performance.

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