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Tiling Issues in Production Manager

#1 kristib9768 3 years ago

I am printing a wrap in production manager. I have tile 6 selected to print. But it prints Tile 1. I have done this several ways. I have cropped every other panel out so that there are no other panels selected, but it still prints tile 1. I tried printing tile 5 and 6 to see if there was something wrong there, it still prints tile 1. I recreated the file. sent it to PM again, tried it again, repeated the process, it still prints tile 1. even on the screen of the actual printer it SHOWS it's printing tile 6 but it's printing tile 1. I unplugged the printer, restarted the computer, I have exhausted everything i can think of. Can someone tell me if there is a hidden check box somewhere that makes it always print tile 1??? HELP Please.

   Tile 1.JPG
   Tile 1.JPG
#2 HP Daniela Ciolompea 3 years ago

Hi @kristib9768, Can you please advise which printer model you are using.

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#3 kristib9768 3 years ago

--- comment deleted ---

#4 kristib9768 3 years ago

HP Latex 315

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#5 kristib9768 3 years ago

i did crop my TIFF in illustrator as a work around just so i could print the file to keep production going- but the issue is still not fixed.

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#6 HP Daniela Ciolompea 3 years ago

Hi @kristib9768, Please delete the files and oms from the front panel. Install the production manager rip and reflash the current FW. If the issue is not solved please contact your support representative, as they might need to replace some hardware parts.

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#7 customsthis12361 2 years ago

Hi @slope game Install the production manager rip, then reload the most recent version of the firmware. In the event that the problem is not resolved, please get in touch with your support representative so that they can investigate the possibility of needing to replace some hardware components.

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#8 CDS_artroom_23 2 years ago

I use Flexi PM. When choosing tiling to print, I first send the file with tiling to Print Manager. Then select job properties>tiling and manual turn off all tiles that I do not wish to print by clicking them on the tile preview... then send.

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#9 emmanbrownusa14232 a year ago

Make sure you have selected box 6 correctly in the print settings on your computer before sending the print job to the printer. Make sure you have selected the correct paper size aa route planner and the correct print position on the print screen.

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