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Unsupported USB Drive & Package update error

#1 Edward C 6 years ago

Hi, I'm facing problem when update firmware. Unsupported USB shown when update using USB, formatted USB with FAT32 and 8GB . Package update error when update via EWS. Tried redownload the firmware using other PC Wins7 but still same problem. Any idea, guys? Thanks

#2 Edward C 6 years ago

Latex 360.. Nexus_01_14_00.5

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#3 rodney.hurlbut7425 4 years ago

Hi, this is old but if someone comes across this it may be helpful. I have a 128gb flash drive. Via disk management I created a 2gb partition (2048mb). Formatted that 2gb with FAT32 then I put the firmware file on the 2gb partition and I was good to go. The machine did not read the 128gb drive.

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#4 elenao.rtiz1976798788 3 years ago

Step 1: Inspect USB Storage Media. Disconnect your USB drive from your PC. Step 2: Run CHKDSK Scan. CHKDSK is a command line utility that helps fix drive errors and damaged or corrupt Windows supported media by repairing the file system. Step 3: Recover Data and Format USB Drive.

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#5 itperson13642 a year ago

#5 This worked for me. Limited size of volume using Disk Management to 2048mb. Formatted disk using FAT32. Save BDL to new FAT32 partition and viola! Thanks so much.

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