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What is the machine care pack

HP Latex 330 Printer

#1 Tangerine 8 years ago

My dealer sold me the latex 330 printer and when delivering had charged an extra $1300 for a machine care pack. He said it was a requirement to purchase though it isnt anything tangible. My 1 year warranty is about to expire and I would appreciate being told exactly what this machine care pack is for and if not required i can ask him for a credit note. Thank you. Solved! Go to Solution.

#2 Tangerine 8 years ago

Hi Sonia thank you for the clarification. Please also let me know on the below; 1) How long is the standard warranty extended for? 2) Does it also include parts like maintenance cartridge and kit? 3) If the standard warranty has not yet expired, can i choose not to take the machine care pack and get a credit note?

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