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wrong length

#1 ye.mdy926604 5 years ago

My HP latex 375 print is wrong measurement when printing. Always i print 15 inches length on self adhesive vinyl; it lost 1inch. How can i solve this problem.

#2 bjorn.b5176 5 years ago

Try turning off the OMAS sensor in the medias advanced settings, then reprint and Measure. Or make a 100" grid ruler file, then print it. Then measure it after the print on a flat table. Most RIPs have a field in the printers settings that can be adjust the compensation of a file based on shrink and stretch of the media though the printer. Typically it is the amount of heat and tension being used to dry the ink that causes things to stretch or shrink.

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#3 HP-Sonia 5 years ago

Hello @bjorn.bedore5176 1 inch lost in 15 inches job, it is quite a lot. If this is correct maybe the job is cropped. If it was the case, maybe its something related to the RIP. If you mean 1 millimeter? if yes then I will suggest playing with: Temperature Ink density Vacuum Take Up Reel tension OMAS on/off (with disabling this option when the media is not properly navigable).

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#4 jamesdavis0505199643917 a month ago

The Rice Purity Test is a harmless questionnaire designed to assess an individual's exposure to a variety of situations. It poses no physical or psychological hazards. However, it is important to remember that the test's questions may touch on sensitive issues or elicit emotional responses in certain people.

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