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HP 260 Latex Printheads - Print Quality issue , suggests run print plot test

#1 k_graham 5 years ago

When we get this warning to run a Print Plot Test, we will see one of the colors totally missing, Just replaced yellow/black as no Yellow on test plot for that number cartridge current case is light magenta, . If we check the printheads at the printer display it indicates the print head functioning properly 791 ml of ink used . But nothing on test plot for number 5 . Should we be cleaning the electric contacts - or resign ourselves to replacing the cartridge. Also what is a expected amount of ink before cartridge failure. We have one at 1394 ml at the moment the highest. Ken

#2 HP-Sonia 5 years ago

Hello K.graham! Can you add a picture of your plot test? That will help us to understand better the issue.

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#3 k_graham 5 years ago

As seen the yellow and Magenta were not printing at all, With a new print head the yellow/black number 3 is printing . We have the replacement for number 5 Magenta but I wondered if cleaning the contacts would be advisable. Cartridges are out of warranty as we are 300 miles from closest supplier and so brand new the previous ones went in either out of warranty or very close to expiry. Also is it advisable to clean at each installation of new cartridge or better to wait until an issue arises.

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#4 paulelw 5 years ago

#1 Ken, If your printheads are blocked then you can recover them with distilled water and a lint-free cloth. Do this during the replacement process. You can also clean contact on the printhead and the carriage (flex cable connector/s) with ISO and int-free cloth. Be careful not to catch or damage any parts during this clean. Also inspect under the carriage if you have the opportunity to. This is done when the printer is tuned off and you manually remove the maintenance cartridge ad then inspect underneath the carriage using a torch to see and a cloth to remove any debris showing (ink build up or paper/vinyl pieces). If none of these procedures have any improved results then you would have a faulty print head that needs to be replaced.

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