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3 layer print

#1 banner.112292 2 years ago

I am having difficulty printing a 3 layer print on panagraphic banner material. The base layer starts out looking really smooth then about 4 feet into the print, the base layer starts to look streaky. Which affects the illumination. Any suggestions ?

#2 HP Daniela Ciolompea 2 years ago

Hi @banner.112292, Can you please advise what printer are you using and provide a picture illustrating the issue?

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#3 banner.112292 2 years ago

HP R2000

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#4 banner.112292 2 years ago

The base layer is banned

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#5 HP Daniela Ciolompea 2 years ago

Hi @banner.112292, There are several root causes for the issue you are facing. Here is some advice on how to fix it: Are you using the Edge Holder correctly? Check if they are rubbing the printheads, as this would be very harmful to the printheads' health. Perform a nozzle health check plot and revise the status of the printheads, maintaining focus on the black ink and optimizer fluid printhead, in order to replace them. Is the cleaning station working properly? Check if the cleaning roll has wrinkles and if it is colliding with the printheads; if that happens, please get in touch with your support representative. If none of these is working, please contact your support representative for a more thorough investigation.

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