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Dull Colors

#1 Ruby1791 4 years ago

I'm using an HP certified media profile on my Latex 115 for Phototex. The colors are mostly accurate, but dull/faded looking. I tried cloning and modifying to increase the ink density, but it wouldn't let me go above its current setting. Can anyone help?

#2 HP Daniela Ciolompea 4 years ago

Hi @Ruby1791, Please try to clone the steps from the User Guide, page 75 "Clone a substrate preset". If you are still having problems, please contact HP support.

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#3 malross7748 4 years ago

My 3600 latex seems to be printing dull colours also. I am using Ergosoft 14 Printing on HP air release certified white vinyl Using same as above profile on the printer How can I brighten the colour? I have tried Orafol 551 profile... same thing

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