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Extra Margin at the end of prints

HP Latex 300 Series

#1 ProColorGraphix 9 years ago

Has anyone else noticed an extra wide margin at the end of their prints? When printing multiple copies of a job, there used to be about 1" between jobs. There is now 2.5". It has to be a printer setting as it is doing it now to jobs that have already been ripped and were NOT doing this before. 1"-1.5" doesn't sound like much, but I have jobs where I run 20" jobs along an entire roll. That adds up!! If anyone knows how to fix this, that would be much appreciated!! The front and back margins are both set to None and Zero mils.

#2 HP-MarcM 9 years ago

I've been checking your case, but I'll need some extra information in order to be able to get a solution. would you please tell me: - Printer Model - Firmware - RIP (including version) Thanks.

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