Not at all likely
Extremely likely
Dear HP and Forum Members,
I just bought a brand new HP Latex 110 printer and have been having some issue with it, not sure if its a lemon or if its just how it is, I'm a perfectionist so when color is obviously off or different from a re-run of the same job with same settings its really bothers me.
I will print a job with vibrant colors one day, then a couple days later print the same design and it prints more of a pastel and dark gray instead of pitch black. The difference is very obvious. I've tried head cleanings and image quality steps and nothing seems to fix this issue.. Note: This happened after being gone for the whole weekend (printer was in sleep mode for 2 days).
This is the second time within the first month of buying the printer.
The first time I noticed this happen was when I unplugged the printer for a day, when I plugged it back in and ran the job the colors went pastel.Unfortunately my client needed the prints the next day, so he ended up with prints with the wrong colors, this isn't ok.
Does turning the printer off for a day or letting it sleep for 2 days cause this issue? How does one fix this issue? How do I prevent this from happening? OR do I have a lemon printer? I could not find any Q&A on this topic. Firmware is up to date