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HP 3000

#1 Shane Wilson 4 years ago

Anyone else with an HP3000 Latex printer, having issues with the grey foam inside the fan covers disintegrating and falling apart and blocking jamming up the fans?

#2 HP Daniela Ciolompea 4 years ago

Hi @Blind Concepts Australia,

Please contact technical service, as kits with new foams will be available.

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#3 stephen7706 4 years ago

Yes ours is doing the same. #1 these fans though are very tough and will suck the foam through. If you are getting module errors such as Fan spinning not detected in the IPS screen you may be experiencing an issue with the connectors being heat affected.

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#4 kelvin.ng5186 4 years ago

#3 if your printer is still under warranty, then you may just log a case with your service provider to replace the Curing Mod Covers with Isolator Foams SVC .

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#5 noraaustin727924 4 years ago

I am using this printer, it been a year that I am using it, I bought it from Coupon codify and still, it's working best, its output, color everything is as, like the first day, I don't know from where you bought it if you bought it from any local shops you need to contact them and tell them about your issue.

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