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HP 365 Install Questions - Help Please

HP Latex 365 Printer

#1 brian.jackson6927 5 years ago

Just received a HP 365 Latex printer. All assembled, and just turned on power. Screen on printer flashes the HP Logo and then goes black with a code of 06.48:15 in white at top left of screen. Any ideas? Thanks in advance.

#2 ivoslbg5445 5 years ago

#1 if it's brand new printer out of the box, plug in flash drive with latest firmware and start the printer, if no response, call service to replace the SSD...

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#3 brian.jackson6927 5 years ago

#2 Thank you for your response. I called the company who we purchased from and they told me THEY have to install all of the firmware, software, etc. I was trying to get everything done so when they came for training, it would be done. No paperwork ever stated the seller would do. Thanks again for your help - I'm sure I'll be back on here at some point!

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#4 ivoslbg5445 5 years ago

it is good that they have explained to you that they are obliged to do so even though you have asked them for information, at least now prepare your own list of questions and be curious about everything you might think of Best of luck and cheers

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