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Hp Latex 310 printing issue. ink atomizaton?

HP Latex 300 Series

#1 PLUMcrazySRT 7 years ago

Hey everyone, been having a issue with our hp latex 310 for a few months now. changed inks, all printheads. Icc profiles, media profiles, everything with no prevail. Also cleaning printheads first it was after long run prints nearing the end of the print I would get a splatterd look to the ink like that ink itself isnt getting busted up enough before its hitting the viynl. Im really at my wits end, ive changed the maintainence cartridge also? could that cause enything like this? I tried printing tonight after changing printheads yesterday and it printed great for about a foot or more then back to the splattered **bleep**ty print. ive attached a picture i hope someone can help me time it seems like its putting on alot more ink than it use too also. its alos set on 8 pass not 10 while printing.

#2 PLUMcrazySRT 7 years ago

Just tried another print used a 3m media profile to see this time, same thing for the first foot of the print the ink is finer and atomized and then its just splattered looking for the rest of the print?

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#3 PLUMcrazySRT 7 years ago

Like the first foot of the print looks great before it gets splattered looking. could the last update have caused issues like this? last update I did threw this printer for a loop. colors were all wrong. im scared to update it again if I ever get it back printing properly again.

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#4 PLUMcrazySRT 7 years ago

Ok making progree after a bunch of test prints, changed substrate profiles and it never made a difference. finally threw a code and said optimizer printhead nozzles plugged. ran a few printhead optimizer cleanings and did a test print and no issues in a foot. going to order a new optimizer printhead and go from there, all other printheads are new.

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