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HP latex 330 output print size problems

HP Latex 330 Printer

#1 Kadri 8 years ago

Hello, Our client with HP Latex330 printout have size problems. It is given 152cm x 152cm then the output is 151.4cm x 152cm. This problem is with a small output printout also. How to resolve this problem? Have tried output size compensation, then the given size is correct 30cm x 30cm, no misalignement. And they have a problem with colour consistency. The Latex 330 is forgetting colours once in awhile, after few days earlier made printouts. Between printouts, the ink and printhead have not been changed. They are using the profile what is given in the printer material list. Do you have any clever suggestions? Best regards, Kadri

#2 TG-Frank 8 years ago

You can use the deviation of your print in the output media compensation, no need to use the 30cm sample. A little deviation on bigger sizes can't be read reliable on 30cm.

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#3 Kadri 8 years ago

And they have a problem with colour consistency. The Latex 330 is forgetting colours once in awhile, after few days earlier made printouts. Between printouts, the ink and printhead have not been changed. They are using the profile what is given in the printer material list. Do you have any clever suggestions?

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#4 HP-MarcM 8 years ago

Hi Kadri, Regarding the color we suggest to check that the print heads are in optimal conditions. Also please upgrade to the latest firmware. Regarding the deformation please try to lower the curing temperature and ink density. If this does not improve the issues please contact the Reseller for a more in depth analysis. I hope this helps

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#5 MJones 8 years ago

First things first what rip are you using?... The printer will print exactly what is sent to it... So most likely it's a rip setting... If you are using Caldera ensure that you have the 1:1 setting on... And if you are seeing color differences from art work make sure that the rip colour management is switched off unless you have a color expert that is managing the color at the rip...

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