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HP Latex - New Substrate - Issues with black print - white spots

#1 mjay6532 3 years ago

I just replaced my substrate, and I noticed that black prints have white spots.

I ran a calibration test but the black prints still have white spots.

The media that I was previously using and this one are the same type of media (PRIME GLOSS AIR GP).

Any suggestions on how to fix this issue?

Attached please find the an example of the old and new substrate. (This is the black line that is printed next to the bar code)

Thank you,

#2 mjay6532 3 years ago

UPDATE I wiped an area of the media with alcohol before running a new color calibration test and it looks fine... See Attached.

Please let me know your thoughts.

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#3 HP Daniela Ciolompea 3 years ago

Hi @mjay6532,

I would recommend using this media preset from the media locator: []

Additionally, it is important to make sure that the media is in good status.

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#4 fabricate13121 a year ago

Hi, I'm facing the same issue on Orafol Orajet 3164. The printer is HP Latex 370. There are white spots on the print out but is predominantly seen on light blue color. The media is brand new from the manufacturer. Do we have a proper explanation for this?

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