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L28500 Magenta Print heads dying

HP Latex 280 Printer

#1 Simon_Mediatech 10 years ago

Good Morning everyone, We have a customer that is printing heavy red posters on en 15oz banner material. With brand new prinheads, he starts the print and it's fine. After about 60 feet printed, the magenta printhead dies. Here's the initial settings: 10 passes, drying 120F, curing 200F (these posters use 1ml of magenta every square foot, that's a lot) After calling Shawn Reno, we lower the heat and rise the number of passes, activate gutters and put an inter swat delay. Here's the modified settings: 12 passes, drying 106F, curing 200F, gutter activated and 0.4 inter swat It didn't solve the problem. We checked the primer assembly, did the APS test (and it passed) We looked for signs of air in the tubes.... nothing. Everytime that we start new test, we put new magenta printhead. Btw, we tried to print normal 4 color print and the printer is doing just fine. You can look at the file attach to see the problem. If you have any clue please let me know. Is it possible that 1ml sqf is just to much for a printhead? Thank you Simon Solved! Go to Solution.

#2 Simon_Mediatech 10 years ago

I forgot, here's the case ID: 4743048815 Thank you

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#3 krimat 10 years ago

Hi, we had similiar phenomena on our L28500. I did add extra PH cleaning on printning and lowered ips to 40. It solved ot for us. We print this on a 300gr/m2 PE coated textilebanner but we run at 16 passes.

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#4 Simon_Mediatech 10 years ago

Thanks for the input Krimat, We already tried 24pass, 40ips, extra cleaning on, and it didn't work. This weekend, after we changed the ink tube and the APS, my customer finally found the problem. For his job, my client, purchased 35 cartriges of magenta. 25 are dated 2016-06-20. and 10 in august 2016. We have the problem with these 25. So after 3000$ of part and laber, all resume to faulty cartriges Thanks, Simon

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