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Latex360 heat/head strike issues

HP Latex 360 Printer

#1 StellatheFB 8 years ago

Trying to run a banner through the latex. It's latex compatible. Using the felt guides, and the edge holders. Have media on the take up reel and still get head strikes and heat issues. Any ideas on how I can adjust the heat? I am using the RIP station - Caldera.

#2 HP-MarcM 8 years ago

Hi StellatheFB, In theory if you are using an HP Latex compatible media, using the profile from the Media Solutions Locator, the output platen protector and the Take-up-reel you should not have any problem. You have to take into account that we released a new version of the output cover platen some months ago. You can have a look to in in the following forum topic: Head Crashes with banners Make sure you have the correct platen. If you can provide me more information about the media, it will be really helpful. Hope this helps.

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#3 pideas1 8 years ago

Make sure the banner material goes half way down the heater or all the way past it before running the banner. This will help you avoid the head strikes. Marc, is the new updated platen available for the older machines? When did this new output cover platen become available?

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#4 HP-MarcM 8 years ago

Hi pideas1, We've announce it by the end of last year. Here you have the post I've uploaded in the blog: New Output Platen Protector Available Which older printers are you referring to? HP Latex 200 Series?

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#5 pideas1 8 years ago

I'm referring to the HP 310. The head strikes are happen often when running banner stocks. There seems to be a major flaw in the output platen where banners and other prints hit the top of it before drying. This causes smears on the prints because the ink is not dried yet. Does the new platen fix this issue?

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#6 HP-MarcM 8 years ago

Hi Pideas1, if you are interested on the cover platen for the HP Latex 310 printer you must contact your support source and report your issue since it is not available as an accessory. Hope this helps.

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#7 HP-MarcM 8 years ago

Hi Pideas1! Have you been able to solve the issue? Please let me know if you need further assistance. .

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#8 Graphikal 8 years ago

We chose HP Premium Poster Paper as our general purpose media for transactional posters and prints. We had read this media was SPECIFICALLY created to address the head strike issue. Nope. We are forever running posters, particularly with solids, where the head drags across the print and creates striped smears. Anybody else having this issue? It's frustrating - and costly - having to reprint job after job. We even try to give extended leader on the media, well past the heater. Can anybody offer some assistance? Thanks in advance!

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#9 HP-MarcM 8 years ago

Hi! Before giving you a straight answer I would like to know if you are using TUR and if you have modified any parameters of the profile you downloaded. All the information that you can provide to us, will help us to get a better understanding of your issue. Could you please export the .oms file, and send to me privately? Therefore, we will be able to reproduce it in here and see where you get stop to perform. This could help us to resolve the issue as soon as possible. Looking forward to your email.

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#10 Graphikal 8 years ago

Thank you Marc. We've realized it was a dragging process - not head strikes - that were our problem. Sorry, but I was using the wrong term.

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