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Media Edge Detection error

HP Latex 200 Series

#1 --- 8 years ago

My L25500 cannot detect the edge of media being loaded. I have cleaned all that i know of cleaning. Please Help if you have any solutions. Brian

#2 HP-MarcM 8 years ago

HI Allegraman23, First of all, is important to know if this issue is happening with all the medias or just with a certain media. If it is happening with a determinate media, I'll recommend you to enter the media specifications by hand. You can check how on the User Guide page 24. "If you are loading transparent substrate without opaque borders, you are asked to enter the width of the substrate and the distance of the right edge from the printer's side plate (as indicated by the ruler on the front of the curing module).", just load the media as a transparent one. By the other hand, if the issues is happening with all the medias, I'll recommend you to contact your support source in order to check your printer. Hope this helps.

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#3 HP-MarcM 8 years ago

Hi Allegrama23, I hope everuthing is good. Please, let me know if this recommendations have helped you. Have a good day,

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#4 Roy_Kuzmich 7 years ago

HP Printers use the Line Sensor to find the paper edge. Try to run a line sensor calibration. If this is failing then that is your issue. Roy K

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