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Profiling HP Latex 3200 with Caldera

#1 giuseppe.andretta10608 2 years ago

Hello I am trying to make an ICC profile on a Photo Canvas on an HP Latex 3200. I understood that internal light/dark transitions are mandatory for profiling and are calculated internally with a proprietary method and through an internal spectrophotometer. After that I suppose that I can calculate the calibration with Caldera Easy Media and then I can make the ICC profile. Now the problem is that the canvas I use cannot pass the internal calibration and the procedure stops for an error and cannot complete the transitions calculation. I attached pictures (sorry in Italian) that say that the paper white is out of tolerance; consider that I am using a kind of canvas with OBA (Optical Brightners) What can I do in this case?

#2 HP Daniela Ciolompea 2 years ago

Hi @giuseppe.andretta10608,

Our assumption is that this kind of Canvas you are using with OBA (Optical Brighteners Agents) is the root cause of the issue. The OBA agents are chemicals that are added to certain fine art/canvas paper in order to help them appear “whiter.” This then allows us to see an incredibly white paper because our eyes are perceiving both the white of the paper and the light being emitted by the chemicals in the paper. While our eyes see this as a brighter, blueish-white, a spectrophotometer used to read color on paper will only see this as a different form of blue.

That is why profiles made with paper using a lot of optical brighteners can end up printing out images that have a yellow tint to them.

In this case, the internal spectrophotometer sensor is trying to correct what it identifies as a large amount of blue in the paper due to the OBA and the ICC Profile process reports an error and is unable to perform the calculation reporting that the white color of paper is out of tolerance.

Our recommendation is to use another Canvas media without OBA and repeat the ICC profile process.

I hope this helps.

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#3 giuseppe.andretta10608 2 years ago

Thank you very much for your reply but in this case I can't change the Canvas I am using we need to find another solution. Is it possible to substitute the internal spectrophotometer with an UV cut one?

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#4 HP Daniela Ciolompea 2 years ago

Hi @giuseppe.andretta10608,

It is not possible to replace the printer’s internal spectrophotometer.

The best option is to change the media to one without OBA, although there are some like the Canvas one which are not recommended to perform the ICC on, even without OBA, due to its characteristics and texture.

The only alternative option I could see in this case is to purchase an external spectrophotometer (Barbieri or i1). However, I believe this is not a cheap option. Furthermore, we can’t guarantee that with this option it will work as you need it, as we do not know for sure if it is compatible with the color profiling.

Apologies I can’t be of further assistance on this matter.

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#5 giuseppe.andretta10608 2 years ago

Thank you very much indeed Daniela. I own different spectrophotometers (Barbieri LFP, i1 Pro 2 and 3 PLUS...) but the problem is that in my environment I cannot decide to change the canvas or any other substrate (I'd say it will be easier to change or replace the printer) and I must find a solution for. profiling exactly that canvas trying to 'bypass' the HP software restrictions.

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